This student led prayer movement is a sign of hope in a messy world. It shows me that there is still a generation who believes there is better direction than the world is currently going and is willing to stand for their God and for their communities, schools and friends. It challenges me, as an adult, to follow their example and be bold about my faith. It reminds me of our freedoms in this nation, our freedom of worship and our freedom of speech.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Our Students Are Leading the Way
Each year the fourth Wednesday of September is a day I look forward to. Why? Because it's the day students across the nation gather for See You at the Pole.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
My Hope is in the Lord
“I can’t believe the school is teaching evolution! What about creation?! What has our country come to!?!”
“What do you mean they are not going to display the nativity scene in front of the courthouse this year?! It’s tradition! They’ve had that nativity scene out there every year since I was a child!”
“It is so sad that our government would pass that into law! I thought we were a Christian nation! Our forefathers would be rolling over in their graves!”
It seems like in the “Christian community” we are hearing more and more statements like these... Christians are getting upset because as a nation we aren’t what we used to be. Things are changing and not for the better. People are seeing the fall of Christianity in America and are beginning to get fired up. I mean we are part of a nation that needs to step up to the plate morally and take a stand for what’s right! We are citizens of the United States and if we can’t come together as a nation UNDER GOD then we are all going to hell! Right?!?!
Hmmm? Just the other day my 6 year old was looking at a piece of US currency. He read the words “In God We Trust” and asked, “Dad? Why does it say that?” My heart broke as I tried to explain to a 6 year old the state of our union.... where we once were, ... and where we are today? Then I began to really mourn in my soul as I began to think about where we will be someday soon if we keep going the same direction.
As I wrestle with this today, the passage from Philippians 3 came to mind... as a believer my citizenship is in heaven. What does that mean? To me that says first and foremost I am a follower of Christ not country... my allegiance is to the Father, not the nation... My hope is in my adoption as HIS child not my elected officials... This is not to say that I don’t feel proud to be an American or I am not patriotic... I feel EXTREMELY blessed to be born in this country and I LOVE what we stand for as a nation. I just struggle with the idea that we have come to believe that God and Country go hand in hand... After all Jesus said, “Render unto Caeser what is Caeser’s and give to God what is God’s.” I respect and love my country and believe that we are the greatest nation in the world, but I cannot expect my country to take the place of God in my life.
The bride of Christ is not the US of A... The bride of Christ is the church, and that is where my hope must lie!

So what am I supposed to do!?!
As a follower of Jesus I am supposed to “raise up my child in the way he should go.” I must take up that responsibility! I am must be the chief influencer in my child’s life... and if every Christian parent took up this calling?! Our world would be a different place!
As the Church? You know all that energy we put into getting frustrated at what our government is doing?... and communicating just how upset we are with our current leadership and how scared we are about where we are headed as a nation? What if we took all that energy and instead of focusing it on how bad things are, we focused it on teaching this next generation the values and morals found in Scripture? What if we taught them how to discern the Truth of the Gospel from the lies of this world? What if we shared the HOPE found in Jesus Christ and grace we can have through a relationship with Him...
What if we lived like our citizenship really was in heaven? What if we really were storing up our treasures in the right place? What would our world look like then?
The only way we, as the Church, are going to change the direction of the downward spiral our nation is on is to find our HOPE in the right place? My HOPE is in the Lord! Where is yours?
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Why Fight the Current?
As I sit here this morning my heart is heavy and my mind is wrestling with the Church and the church. The Church, big C, being the universal disciples of Jesus... all of us doing our best to follow after HIM. The church, little c, being the individual churches... the walls of our buildings that divide us for as many different reasons as there are buildings.... different locations, styles, types of people, personalities... different theologies, teachings, interpretations of Scripture.
Here is the crux of the matter for me... Why? As Rodney King once was quoted saying during the LA riots of 1991, “Why can’t we all just get along?” I know that was in a different setting and under different circumstances than the topic of this blog, but I think to the outside world, so often what is going on in the Church looks a lot like what’s going on during racial riots... a lot of unorganized chaos brought on by disagreements escalated to the point of fighting and unrest. Could the world really be looking in from the outside and seeing a state of riot that they know they would be better off avoiding brought on not by disagreements between races, but disagreements between churches (little c)?
Now I am not saying that we all need to jump into one big ship and set off on the journey in some form of faux unity... But I do think that we need to join the same armada riding the current of JESUS deeper into the adventure and journey of God’s overlying story... maybe each ship has a different set of oarsmen, but they’re willing to travel together towards the same destination. Make sense?!

This morning as I gathered over coffee with pastors from 2 other churches reading emails, talking through input and putting together the efforts of pastors from at least 7 other churches to organize an annual community wide youth event I got a picture of what the Church is supposed to look like. The focus was investing in the lives of the students who walk our streets with the HOPE and LOVE of Jesus Christ. Each of us leaders willing to lay down our own pride, sacrifice our own time and budgets, and set aside our own churches for a season in order to lift up the Church so that a student’s life can be changed for eternity.
And so the wrestling continues... And as it does, the prayer effort intensifies... Why can’t the church see the Church and accept it for what it is? Each church (in their individual, unique vessels) riding the current of Jesus deeper into the story allowing the Author of it all to receive all praise, honor and glory... and because of it the world be changed.
(and so goes my personal contribution to National Talk Like a Pirate Day)
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Fruitful Daily Habits- Good Intentions vs. Actual Reality
My day begins as the sun rises... I roll out of bed right as the automatic coffee maker finishes brewing my coffee. Pouring a cup of coffee I sit down with my Bible open and God begins to whisper His words of comfort and challenge into my soul. As I finish up my devotional time I hear my wife begin to stir... I cook breakfast for the 2 of us as she does her morning devotions and we both eat before she goes off to prepare for the day. I wake the kids begin my morning workout. I finish my workout in time to take a quick shower, shave, brush my teeth and get dressed for the day. I get my kids breakfast and pray with them before sending them off to meet the day. LIFE IS GOOD!
Galatians 5:22-23 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
And so are my intentions... But, to be honest, intentions and reality don’t usually match up. I would LOVE for my morning to look like that. I really would! But in our home, that’s not usually the case. A typical morning in my house usually looks a bit more like this:
My day begins as my anxiousness rises... I really can’t lay here anymore! I have to get up or I’ll be late! I roll out of bed as my daughter hits the shower using up the last of the hot water. I shiver through a cold shower and throw on my clothes, dragging my boys out of bed in the process... Telling them to get dressed I head to the kitchen to fix breakfast. I pull out the cereal and milk and throw some bowls and spoons on the table. I yell from the kitchen, “KIDS! BREAKFAST!” I scramble to make a cup of coffee and get my stuff together as I pour cereal and slice bananas for my youngest son. I send the kids off to school with a quick, “Goodbye! I love you!” as I throw on my shoes and look for my keys. I rush out the door on the way to work only to trip over the lunchbox the middle kid forgot... As I pick it up to make the delivery I feel frustrated and stressed... I didn’t get a bite to eat, I haven’t worked out in weeks, my devotional life is lacking and my life reflects it. Something has to change!

These are my intentions, but in reality sometimes I think I have it all wrong. How do I get the chaos of my life to fit into that mold? I’ve tried! I’ve reorganized my schedule and pinned it to the wall. I’ve filled out the covenant card and asked my accountability partner to hold me to it. But somehow the scheduled gets filled with other tasks and the covenant fades over time and I find myself once again in the midst of the chaos... Frustrated and stressed I throw in the towel and crumble into my chair... defeated!
And that’s when God whispers... “It’s the fruit of MY Spirit...If you intend to fit your life into that mold then you have to ALLOW ME TO MOLD YOU. You cannot do it on your own strength. You CAN do it in MY strength.”
So once again... I lay my chaotic schedule aside with a new understanding of who HE is and what HE desires of me... I set my recurring daily alarm a little earlier and as I do, I surrender to His grace that encourages me and invite His Spirit to mold me... and as I do I notice some blossoms begin to bloom out of the chaos of who I was.
Friday, September 13, 2013
A New Adventure
Today I set out on a new adventure. For sometime now I've known that I've had a longing in my heart... That uneasy feeling of knowing that you're supposed to be doing something but you're not quite sure what. The notion that you were meant for something more... something bigger... that God's given you a voice and that voice needs to be heard but you're not exactly sure how to share it. Well, that's where I find myself today.
I have a sense of uneasiness in my spirit that I've had for sometime. Not long ago someone (I can't remember if it was David Platt or Francis Chan) put a label on that feeling in my soul. They called it a 'holy discontent'. You see deep in my heart, more than anything else, I want to seek JESUS with everything that I am... but I continually find myself wrestling with this messy world. I find myself wanting to be the best disciple that I can be. I find myself longing to lead others on the journey. Part of my heart struggles with the leading within the established church and its framework... the other part knows that it has been placed in the church and almost feels like its supposed to lead those within this established community back to the Jesus of the Gospel.
So here's the struggle... How does one stir up a passion for Christ in the midst of a world that continually drags people away from His call. Good people with good intentions... even with hearts for God... being dragged away and enticed, by the evil one. Boy, that sounds harsh as I write it, but it is reality. I think one of Satan's greatest tools against the Christ follower today is distraction! He's like the creepy guy in the van with the puppy dog and handful of candy trying to lure the young child away from his set path home from school. He knows our intentions and our destination, but he does everything he can, through the busy-ness of life, to distract us from taking the next step on the journey. And as I look at my personal calendar and the lives of the people in my own church community I see that he is succeeding. We are a people with all the best intentions in the world, but who struggle to 'take up our cross daily and follow' because we tend to get steered off the course towards JESUS by the candy in Satan's hand... and we don't even realize that it's Satan... "but the things I'm involved in are ALL good things!?!" ... and Satan knows it.
So the adventure begins... not the adventure of following (that started YEARS ago) nor the adventure of leading (been attempting to lead since the mid-90s), but the adventure making my voice heard... sharing the struggles with other like minded followers as we journey together towards Christ! .... through the world of blogging... SEEKING HIS LEAD... together on the journey.
I have a sense of uneasiness in my spirit that I've had for sometime. Not long ago someone (I can't remember if it was David Platt or Francis Chan) put a label on that feeling in my soul. They called it a 'holy discontent'. You see deep in my heart, more than anything else, I want to seek JESUS with everything that I am... but I continually find myself wrestling with this messy world. I find myself wanting to be the best disciple that I can be. I find myself longing to lead others on the journey. Part of my heart struggles with the leading within the established church and its framework... the other part knows that it has been placed in the church and almost feels like its supposed to lead those within this established community back to the Jesus of the Gospel.
So here's the struggle... How does one stir up a passion for Christ in the midst of a world that continually drags people away from His call. Good people with good intentions... even with hearts for God... being dragged away and enticed, by the evil one. Boy, that sounds harsh as I write it, but it is reality. I think one of Satan's greatest tools against the Christ follower today is distraction! He's like the creepy guy in the van with the puppy dog and handful of candy trying to lure the young child away from his set path home from school. He knows our intentions and our destination, but he does everything he can, through the busy-ness of life, to distract us from taking the next step on the journey. And as I look at my personal calendar and the lives of the people in my own church community I see that he is succeeding. We are a people with all the best intentions in the world, but who struggle to 'take up our cross daily and follow' because we tend to get steered off the course towards JESUS by the candy in Satan's hand... and we don't even realize that it's Satan... "but the things I'm involved in are ALL good things!?!" ... and Satan knows it.
So the adventure begins... not the adventure of following (that started YEARS ago) nor the adventure of leading (been attempting to lead since the mid-90s), but the adventure making my voice heard... sharing the struggles with other like minded followers as we journey together towards Christ! .... through the world of blogging... SEEKING HIS LEAD... together on the journey.
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