And the Boss said, “You are spending too much time in the office!”
What? Too much time in the office?! How could that be? Right now on my desk are my lessons for the next 3 weeks of Sunday School, the message I am beginning to plan for “big church” in November, the material for the outreach program that is 3 weeks away, my small group stuff, the plans for our new discipleship ministries team, promo material for the webcast I’m hosting on Saturday, new devotional materials to review, and a to-do list that includes activities for young adults, teen leadership, youth outreach, and so much more! If I don’t spend more time in the office ALL THIS MINISTRY WON’T GET DONE!! And I rush off to an appointment in a small town 30 minutes away.
As I pull into the parking lot of the coffee shop where we are to meet I receive the dreaded text message. “Pastor, sorry I have to cancel. Something came up.” Now, not only do I find myself 30 minutes from the office where I have a stack of work a mile high, but I find myself with 60 minutes of “wasted time” with nothing to do before my next appointment in this same small town. I could drive back to the office, but by the time I get there it will be time to return... so I grab a cup of coffee and sit down... forced to take some time to... to... to breathe.
You see? Through the years and through the seasons the mountain remains. The leaves change... the blanket of snow comes and goes... month to month it looks different... but THE MOUNTAIN remains. Firm, faithful and true. I could never get used to seeing that mountain. And my mind wanders off to the mountain...
Then all of the sudden with the drop of a mug full of coffee behind the counter, my mind comes crashing back to the reality of the moment. The barista scrambles to clean up the mess and my brief daydream flees. My mind returns to the mountain of work that remains just out of my reach in my office a half hour away... but now I’ve been reminded of the mountain.
I realize the mountain in my life is JESUS... the firm, the faithful, the true. The mountain in my ministry is NOT all the paperwork and plans piled high on my desk, but Christ’s call to GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES. What that looks like may change with the seasons... maybe one method now and another method next year, but THE CALL never changes... so in the midst of the changing methods how do I remain faithful to the call? I get out of that office where the piles are high and spend more time in the coffee shop where I can engage others who are making the journey with me... towards THE MOUNTAIN.
Love this! I so appreciate your heart and honesty in following after His lead while getting distracted with life here and its messiness...I had a similar moment a few days ago while praying during Time Out (Wednesday night chapel) that reminded me of "the mountain" in the midst of a crazy week with hours spent studying for midterms that will mean nothing in about two months, much less years from now. So thankful for community, accountability, and mountains! Praying for you as you handle that load of work and keep your focus on Jesus!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. I love seeing young people with a heart for Jesus like you have!
Keep your eyes on the mountain bro and let it reflect in your schedule. In it together!